
Keith Price

I've been fortunate to be able to participate in the SERPLease beta program. I first want to make a comment on how great the support has been. Whenever I had a question or problem, support was quick with a friendly and expert answer.

I'm only slightly above a novice at selling SEO services, but I can say this software works great. There's absoulutely no indication to the visitor that they're not seeing an overlay or cutom version of the page. And, Google definitely ranked my SERPLease pages based on the content the user never sees.

The rent funnel looks amazing.

All around, a highly recommended tool created and supported by highly recommended people.

Jeff - GBHJ Global

We were fortunate to get into the SERPLease beta. These guys Steven & Chris have out done themselves!

SERPLease is not only a time saver from going into PayPal and doing everything one by one but this software allows you to rent multiple pages of a huge site if you are a site builder.

You now can rank and rent in one location one dashboard!

Simply put awesome!

Time to Spill the Ugly SEO Truth

As marketers who do high level local SEO services for the most demanding clients imaginable,
we've got to spill the ugly truth.

Selling SEO services sucks.
It's very hands on.

Lots of hustling for new clients. Creating sales presentations. Being on the phone for hours. Setting up in-person meetings with potential and existing clients. Juggling ranking lots of websites at the same time. Invoicing clients and chasing them to pay (and hoping you don't make any mistakes). Training staff, because there's no way one person can manage this all on their own. And more...

Put it this way. . . it's a good thing selling SEO services pays so well, or we'd have jumped ship a long time ago.

Our students were horrified to discover everything they needed to do to setup & run a successful local SEO business. Many of them had day jobs, and it was almost impossible to keep up with scouring for new leads, turning them into clients, keeping current clients happy AND still maintaining rankings of all the client websites.

Turned out that Ranking local websites is the EASIEST part of the process...

(Especially when following Chris' step-by-step teachings!)

So we set out to make our students'
lives easier as budding SEO'ers.

We spoke with our students about their biggest hurdles... and realized most students get stuck in the beginning when they don't yet have the budget to scale their team and just wear to many hats;

Feels familiar?

So we went back to basics and asked ourselves:

"what is it –really- what our clients want and how can we make this business model easier to make the level of entry as low as possible for our students?"

... And we came up with a unique way to help our students make a reliable recurring income stream.

But first: Who are 'we'?

Chris Winters is an SEO master who owns a $1.5+ million per month SEO company. His passion is to help others build evergreen SEO businesses so they can experience financial freedom, spend time with their families, travel at will and live healthy.

Steven van der Peijl has a Masters degree in IT, and has traveled the world as a digital nomad with a 6-figure sim unlock business he built with the SEO experience he gained by building & optimizing websites for a major hotel chain in Europe.

We decided to join forces over a year ago, because Chris had the rock-solid business and training background to bring to the table, and Steven had the tech background needed to build software which was both user-friendly and had exceptionally well thought out features.

So back to our recurring SEO income strategy…

After much thought, we realized what would make our students lives EASIER would be having the ability to SIMPLY focus on one website at a time... and still make automated recurring income and serve multiple clients.

Now it sounds crazy on the surface...

We know many local businesses already have websites. And most have social media pages. So selling them packages for either was a waste of time... Still, local business owners have ONE big problem on their hands which makes them an easy sell...

We Quickly Realized What Business Owners
Really Lack . . . And It Makes All the Difference

While many potential clients have their own websites, what they lack is targeted traffic. People looking for their services & products to convert into leads for their business!

Contacting any SEO agency always results in a pitch we all know and loath, "please pay us $xxxx USD a month and maybe in 4 to 6 months your site might be ranking... but no guarantees.. after all nobody controls Google but Google.."

This pitch makes SEO a very hard sell

At the end of the day, clients want results . . . not "possible results", not "maybe in 4 months", they want results NOW.

So we thought. . . let's guarantee INSTANT rankings for our clients. . . then SEO will be an easy sell!

We knew our students' own sites ranked for multiple local keywords, because we showed them how to build sites using the authority site model.

The Authority Site Model is the ranking strategy that works right now in 2016 AND in the future. It is exactly what Google wants...

In a nutshell: you create a brandable website in a specific (local) niche and focus on one geographical location (or specific category). Using Chris' teachings you get ranked for your chosen keywords and once you are ranked you start expanding the site horizontally into different locations and / or categories leveraging the authority you already build up with Google..

*More details are explained in the SERPLease Training inside

Since local businesses struggle to rank their websites, why not show our students how to rent out ranking pages of their sites in order to earn recurring passive income?

This way the local businesses could gain instant web presence, traffic and leads. . .

Our students gain long term recurring rental income from renting the ranking pages of their websites to (local) businesses hungry for leads . . .

We loved the idea... And as it turned out so did our students!

It is a SIMPLE solution for our students to profit with this model. . . we just had to make it EASY for them.
So we sat down together and dreamed up a game-changer.

Check out what the software we came up with can do:

And we'd throw in some 100% cutting edge technology to protect your Google rankings while renting out your pages. .
read on to discover more. . .

"An App Worthy of Jason Bourne. . ."

If you're not aware of who Jason Bourne is, he's a character in a series of popular spy novels who goes to extreme lengths to avoid being caught and assassinated by his enemies.

Like Jason Bourne gets himself out of impossible situations, our software has a very special skillset to avoid Google detecting any of the renter changes (skin or overlay) . . . which is a must if you don’t want to suddenly find your site's rankings in the basement of the SERPs.

When your website is overlayed with a client's website or skin, our testing proves GoogleBot doesn't detect ANY changes to your site (check the video to the left to see for yourself.) We guarantee you NONE of our competitors can offer you this same functionality.

It's a camouflage move worthy of Bourne . . . this means you never have to risk your virtual asset's rankings getting screwed up by renter changes.

This technology together with ease of setup, mobile friendly skins & overlay, automatic invoices and RentMe Funnel Builder became the breakthrough our students needed to succeed.

And succeed they did. . . check out some of their feedback and results below,

Some beta user Feedback:

I own an offline marketing company and we only provide two services for our clients. We either lease websites (Rank & Rent model) or provide lead generation. I've been looking for a solution to overlay a client's site over my ranking website but nothing worked the way I needed it to. I tried WordPress plugins, SaaS applications, even tried to use snippets of code but none of those fit my needs. They were either clunky, buggy, or just didn't work.

I stumbled across SERPLease and I was immediately intrigued because it seemed to match my needs for renting out my sites that are ranking. Once I gained access I was totally surprised with the amount of training, the detail of the user guides, and how intuitive the backend was. I was able to quickly setup my site to have an overlay without any issue at all. What I realized in the process of setting up the overlay to that site is that SERPLease can do much much more than just overlay. I'm still learning some of the features. This is the best solution I have found if you want to lease your sites and it's only going to get better. One last thing, support has been top notch. They have been responsive, are very knowledgeable, and encourage feedback on how to improve and better serve us. SERPLease gets 5 stars from me.

Eric Forte' - Owner of The Performance Office

For last 7 years I've specialized as an offline consultant helping local businesses. One of the ways I've been successful, is by ranking my own local niche business websites, as well as using PPC, to sell leads to clients. An issue I had with this method was the amount of time and effort involved in continuously monitoring the lead flow numbers. Clients will always require proof of lead numbers before they'll pay your invoice. By using the Serplease rank and rent overlay system, this is no longer an issue.

I've been a beta tester for SerpLease for a while now, and by using their unique overlay system on some of my highly ranked websites, I am now able to demonstrate to my clients how I can rank their own business website on page one of Google without them having to do anything. Local businesses absolutely love it because they can see instant results. For me this means I can collect monthly payments from my own assets.

Using SerpLease for local SEO provides internet marketers, offline marketers, and SEO experts, with an easy way to demonstrate their skills to potential clients or to promote their own products. By building local assets and renting them out, you are able to sell instant results. This in my opinion is far easier than trying to convince clients to pay for ongoing SEO services, with no guarantees. Why break your neck trying to convince prospects to use your SEO services when all you need do is; rank your own website and put your client's website on top of yours. Serplease makes this fast and easy.

Truly Amazing Software: Serplease comes with so many features it's just too many for me to mention them all. Here's a few; automatic cyclic invoicing system, integrated payment systems, built-in pop-up ads and demo sales pages with HTML editor, install one web asset or multiple page assets with one click, member Guides and SEO tutorials, and the list goes on.

I found Steven and the team at Serplease to be extremely professional and always very supportive of any questions I might have. I have no hesitation in recommending this new revolutionary software plus all the bells and whistles that comes with it.

John Andersen
CEO – Directpublishing.com.au

Now you've seen their feedback . . . it's time to take you on a tour of our software, and show YOU how to make hassle-free, hands-off income as a local SEO expert who's MASTERING organic traffic... and leads on demand for your clients.. but first..

Actual income proof from just 2! local leadgen sites using our methods & software:


Rank. Rent. Recurring Revenue.

With Steven's incredible tech talents and Chris' business smarts, SERPLease was born. One year later SERPLease was launched in private beta and today, for a limited time, it's finally open to the public.

If you're after the easiest way to FINALLY crack the online earning code, providing a SIMPLE DFY service businesses EVERYWHERE are lining up to pay for ...

Or, if you've been looking for an easy way to make automated, recurring commissions with the least amount of work . . .

And be able to generate fresh renter leads "hands-off" . . . without the need to spend hours on the phone to land clients . . .

Look no further than SERPLease....

SERPLease is a super-fast, MaxCDN powered, cloud-based platform which allows you to rent out ranked pages of your website (which we'll call 'assets' from this point on) for long-term recurring revenue.

Steven personally developed the SERPLease platform with his own team of coders, which is a huge benefit to you.

Unlike most other products who hire contract coders to work on their software, Steven's full-time coding team can roll out updates and future developments FAST – and we have updates already lined up to version 2.0 and beyond!

Watch the demo video below to get a birds' eye view inside SERPLease’s 100% unique features:

In case you missed anything during the demo video, or need a bit more clarification, here's . . .

A Closer Look Inside The
Amazing SERPLease Platform

SERPLease has many exclusive features to make your life as a virtual "landlord" easy.

Unlike some of our competitor's, SERPLease's overlay and skin technology works with ANY type of website. Not just with WordPress sites . . .
opening up your services to an unlimited market.

Let's have a look at all the SERPLease Incredible Features:

Easily Create Rental Packages

One asset is rented out to 1 customer. One asset can be 1 to unlimited number of pages from one or unlimited domains. So you can even create assets spanning over more than 1 website!

You can add URL's one-by-one, as a list, mass import using a sitemap file and use special smart wildcard URL's.

This saves you enormous time and effort. Once imported you can also export asset pages to a new asset with the click of a button!

SERPLease RentMe Funnel Builder

The Funnel Builder lets you create a full sales funnel without any additional software. You can start the funnel from any one of your asset's pages.

Popup Ad Builder

Choose from any one of 10 fully customizable ad templates to let prospects know they can rent a page on your site (more will be added over time)

Sales Page Builder

Allows you to quickly create high converting sales pages, OR simply customize our existing professional templates to share the benefits of your service with unlimited prospects

Direct purchase

Send prospects directly to your set payment method (Paypal subscription, Paypal buy now, Wire Transfer)

Lead Form

Potential renters fill out a form with their details and tell you when to best contact them to close the deal

Call Us

Have potential renters call you by phone or directly via a Skype Call Now button

SERPLease Rental Technology

Our system lets you rent out your websites in 2 ways!

1. Website Overlay Option

The renter has the option to simply overlay the pages he rents with his/her own by entering the URL of their site. (This is the fastest and easiest option)

2. Skin Option

"It's like a skin put on top of the original content". The renter (or you) can edit the skin using our easy to use WYSIWYG editor, style editor & HTML source code editor.

The idea is to put the renter's info & call-to-actions on your lead generating website. Think about phone numbers, contact details, edit forms, address details, specific services etc.

* You are able to provide your renters with their own login details to a separate interface to manage their rental properties! This is optional and lets renters create / edit their own Skins and / or set their own overlay URL's!

* For either rental option, SERPLease keeps your own site's rankings completely safe! Our technology makes the overlays and skins completely invisible to Google. (SERPLease is the only platform in the world to offer this stealth technology.)

Renter Management

SERPLease makes all aspects of dealing with clients a breeze. By automating as much as possible so you don't have to lift a finger to rent out your assets. . . and even more important, to get paid!

Paypal subscription - for automatic monthly recurring payments

Paypal buy now – renter needs to pay invoice manually each month

Wire Transfer – Renter pays invoice and you need to update the invoice to 'paid' manually.

JUST How easy is it to close
clients with SERPLease?

Step 1: 5 – 10 minutes of Research
Just Google your main ranking keywords and start at page 2. Then write down every website ranking below your asset in a spreadsheet (usually pages 2 & 3 are enough but you can go deeper)

Determine the businesses ranking below you who would potentially be interested in renting your asset.

Add any contact details you can find on the sites in the spreadsheet.

*Plus a few extra ninja tricks in this step are explained in our training!

Step 2: Pick the 1st potential renter on your list.
Overlay their site over your asset or create a skin for them using our RentMe Funnel Builder. Then add a pop-up ad on top of the skin or overlay with a message like 'Want to keep your site here on top of the rankings? Click the button below'.

And the pop-up button will point to your RentMe sales page.

Step 3: Contact the potential renter.
By email or a phone call and tell him to search for your main keyword and click on your asset in the search results. Tell him how many potential leads you'll be sending him his way each month (backed with stats of your asset)...

and then ask them one question: "Would you like to keep your website there or should I go ahead and contact your competitor X? If you want those leads every month just click the button in the pop-up ad and check out our offer on the sales page!"

and close that deal!

"This is the EASIEST sales pitch in the world."

Clients will fall all over themselves to sign up for your service.

All SERPLease features add up to one powerhouse machine for generating recurring revenue . . . however, you'll soon realize. . .

We're also giving top-notch training from one of the best SEOs in the business, Chris Winters.

You'll be glued to Chris' step-by-step, "over the shoulder" style SEO training videos. After going through this exclusive training, you'll have everything you need to 'copy & paste' your way to a lucrative, long-term business model.

Sit back, grab your favorite beverage and a notepad and pen while Chris reveals how he runs his $1.5 million per month business. Based on the 3 levels of local lead generation (more on this inside the training).

You'll receive over 10 hours in 40+ lessons of in-depth video instruction from Chris at no extra charge with your purchase of SERPLease . . . including these topics essential for SEO mastery:

  • Local footprints
  • Niche research
  • On-page SEO
  • Backlinking
  • Crowd sourcing SEO
  • Citations
  • Personal Blog Networks
  • Client onboarding

Experienced SEOs and novices alike will benefit from the strategies Chris generously shares with SERPLease buyers. You'll seldom see this level of SEO knowledge revealed anywhere outside 5-figure coaching programs.

This is why. . .

SERPLease Is As Close As You'll Ever Get To
Your Own SEO 'Biz in a Box'

SERPLease is a complete "business in a box" solution to generate leads and recurring revenue for even complete beginners.

There is simply no easier, more lucrative service for you to provide to businesses than to show prospects how you can give them top search engine rankings instantly to get in front of people who are actively searching for their products and services!

With the included training, you can quickly rank pages at the TOP of Google, to guarantee your clients traffic and leads. Then, SERPLease allows you to effortlessly "rent" these assets to businesses happy to pay top dollar for the resulting organic traffic.

The SERPLease tool suite and SEO Expert training could easily be sold for hundreds of dollars each . . . and they'd STILL be a phenomenal value.

However, if you think we're stopping there with the value packed inside SERPLease. . .

Think again!

We want to make your purchase of SERPLease absolutely irresistible today, which is why we're also offering these invaluable bonuses . . tailor-made to speed your progress with ranking and asset rental.

Chris Winter's Kallzu WordPress Local Lead Gen Theme

Kallzu is developed to Chris' exact specifications for his own local lead generation sites. . . and you're about to receive it as a special bonus with your purchase of SERPLease today 100% free.

Don't know how to build a local niche lead gen site? No problem! You'll find the Kallzu Wordpress theme easy to use and it comes with step-by-step training.

The Kallzu theme features a lot of special features specially designed for local SEO. Some examples are: easy and working silo structures, Reduce footprint, short codes, set different phone numbers per page, easily add 'as seen on' bar. Different logo for each page, sliders and more.

No technical skill is required to use Kallzu; however, if you do get stuck we have live example sites, full training, and support staff standing by to assist you.

Value: $199

YouTube Ranking Training from Video Marketing Expert Cyril Gupta

YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine in the world and an incredible platform for lead generation. We've brought in YouTube ranking expert Cyril Gupta, owner of TeknikForce, to share his insider secrets on how to optimize videos for LONG term rankings.

Cyril is responsible for millions of YouTube views for his own videos and those of his clients. His over-the-shoulder training includes 6 step-by-step videos to take you from novice to top ranking YouTube video creator.

Value: $ 128

Total Bonus Value:
$ 327

The advanced features packed inside SERPLease along with the bonuses, make your purchase of SERPLease today one of the best investments you'll ever make. . . however, we'd like to answer a question which might be in the back of your mind. . .

Is SERPLease
Right For Me?

SERPlease is perfect for beginning online marketers...​
Looking for a tried and proven way to generate recurring monthly income as quickly and easily as possible?

This AIN'T a get rich quick scheme - we're sharing our secrets about to how to provide a VALUABLE service for you customers which gets you paid every single month... and you need zero skills to get started.

Experienced SEO Experts LOVE SERPLease!
SERPLease can create AUTOMATED incomes streams by setting you up with clients HUNGRY to pay you to get them organic traffic. All passively, with next to zero client interaction required! Once your renter is setup all you have to worry about is keeping your asset ranked and money keeps coming in month after month no hassles!..

And best part.. when clients stop paying, you keep the asset and just rent it out to somebody else!

Finally, ANYONE looking to get their websites ranked to the top of the search engines. Affiliates, product vendors, local businesses. The included training alone shows step by step how to literally DOMINATE search engines for unlimited traffic and sales.

Automated Lead Gen and Recurring Revenue
Is About to Become YOUR
New Monthly Reality. . .

Just picture receiving recurring payments each month and all your hard work on ranking YOUR asset won't be for nothing if the client decides to stop paying you!

And start getting excited about multiple streams of recurring income from one single website. . . Because you'll be renting out ranking pages of your website, not renting out the entire site at once!

It's all because of SERPLease's simplicity and robust features which allow you to set up shop as a virtual landlord with ease . . . there's simply no better choice available for anyone who wants to rent out their website assets and start their (local) leadgen business.

We believe so strongly in our product, here's a head-to-head comparison between SERPLease and 'the other guys':

Now that you've seen for yourself what SERPLease has to offer vs other platforms on the market, you might expect you'd pay as much as $97 monthly for SERPLease, PLUS an additional $497 for Chris Winters' expert SEO training included inside SERPLease.

However. . .

You won't be paying nearly this much for SERPLease today.

Because we are celebrating the initial public launch of SERPLease today, we are offering huge savings for a limited time. The next time we'll open our doors it will be with MUCH higher prices AND on recurring basis!

It's time to reveal your savings . . . however, first we want to remove an obstacle which may be holding you back from picking up SERPLease right now. . .

We are going to remove all risk from your purchase of SERPLease today with our 30-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee:

The SERPLease Guarantee

So pick up SERPLease now, with complete confidence your purchase is fully covered by our 100% money-back guarantee. . .

Don't delay, click the button below to secure your copy of SERPLease today. . . while you can still get in at the best possible price.

Steven Van Der Peijl & Chris Winters

SEO Colonist

  • Starting out your
    Virtual SEO Leadgen Empire
  • $37
    per Month
  • Automatic Invoicing
  • Skinning Technology
  • Overlay Technology
  • Renter Rank Protection
  • Renter Asset Manager Interface
  • Renter Manager

  • 10 Rentable Assets
  • Sign up SERPLease SEO Colonist

SEO King

  • Rule your SEO
    Leadgen Kingdom
  • $67 47
    per month
  • RentMe Funnel Builder
  • Automatic Invoicing
  • Skinning Technology
  • Overlay Technology
  • Renter Rank Protection
  • Renter Asset Manager Interface
  • Renter Manager

  • 50 Rentable Assets
  • Sign up SERPlease SEO King

SEO Tycoon

  • Limited time Launch Offer,
    ONE-time payment!
  • $127 one-time!
  • RentMe Funnel Builder
  • Automatic Invoicing
  • Skinning Technology
  • Overlay Technology
  • Renter Rank Protection
  • Renter Asset Manager Interface
  • Renter Manager

  • Chris Winters' SEO training
  • 99 Rentable Assets
  • Sign up SERPLease Tycoon

Become a Virtual Landlord Now And Build Your SEO Empire!

Instead of always needing to hustle for new SEO clients, and dividing your time SEO'ing multiple client sites . . . with SERPLease you only need to concentrate on one Website at a time for your monthly recurring income:

Your own

With so many automated features at your fingertips, SERPLease makes getting new leads and leasing out your website pages easy as pie.

From the professionally designed, easily editable popup and sales page templates, to automated client contracts and billing, SERPLease is an SEO's dream tool for attracting renters.

Not only does SERPLease feature this potent tool suite at your service, it also features exclusive training from Chris Winters who runs a 7-figure SEO business - so you know you'll get everything you need to make this work.

The SEO training alone is worth far more than the small price
we're asking for SERPLease today.

So don't wait another minute if YOU want passive, automatic AND recurring SEO income. . . get SERPLease today. . . and get secure your copy at the lowest price it will ever be sold!


The SERPLease Team

P.S. If you don't act now, where will you be in 30 days? Still hustling for clients day-after-day? Going crazy juggling optimizing so many clients' websites to earn the income you deserve? Dealing with the hassles of manually generating invoices for your SEO clients?

You can end all these headaches TODAY. Click the button above and get instant access to SERPLease and get access to special launch pricing.

P.S.S The real earning power of SERPLease lies in our software combined with the authority model strategy. Once you rank the page for one geo location or category you can rent out that page to one person.. but then you can start expanding to unlimited regions and / or categories and rank SUPER fast due to your authority and quickly rent out all those pages to many different renters creating tens of monthly income streams from just ONE website. You can easily get a 5-figure a month income from just ONE website. Imagine the possibilities when you scale a team working on tens of websites!

I'm a little nervous SERPLease will get me in hot water with Google. I don’t want my sites de-indexed!

Relax! SERPLease has 100% unique proprietary technology which makes the overlay and the skin undetectable by Google. We have tested this extensively. When a page with SERPLease's overlay or sales page is fetched as Googlebot in Webmaster Tools, Google only sees the original asset, not the overlay or skin. This keeps your rankings safe. (And even if they somehow manage to find some way around it, it would look like just a modal popup or split test changes which have never harmed any rankings before)

Why would a business rent a page from me if they already have their own website and/or social media profiles?

Because although many businesses already have their own websites and social media profiles, few small business owners actually know how to rank their websites. This means they are missing out on significant organic traffic. . . which means people aren't finding them online and visiting their businesses. Renting an asset from you means they'll get the visibility they need to get more leads and sales. It's just like real estate: location, location, location!

I don't currently have any pages ranking very high for their keywords. How can SERPLease help me make passive recurring income?

Typically, getting local sites ranked is a lot easier and doesn't take as long as ranking for national and international terms and we provide full training from noted SEO expert Chris Winters on how to get your sites to rank and stay ranked using the authority site model.

If you are starting from scratch our 'Niche Research' training modules very important.

I'm not very techy. How difficult is it to use SERPLease?

We made SERPLease very user-friendly. The interface is intuitive. We've provided you with professionally designed templates for your ads and sales pages, so you quickly put up attractive ads, without needing a designer. As well, we provide full training on how to set up and use SERPLease in our video user guides. If you have any questions during the process, our support desk will be pleased to assist you.

I'm not comfortable getting people on the phone and closing them. So how can I earn with SERPLease?

The beauty of SERPLease is you don't have to get anyone on the phone if you don't want to! You can set up SERPLease to redirect visitors to your sales page where they'll be sent to sign up for a PayPal subscription. After they sign up, we provide a video for your clients which walks them through how to add their own calls-to-action and URLs to their rented assets. It's all hands-free for you, and you never need to directly speak to a client if you don't want to.

Of course, if you'd like to try to sell you clients some additional services, you can direct them to contact you, or call you via Skype - however, this is completely optional.

I have a Mac. . .can I still use SERPLease?

Absolutely! SERPLease is a web-based app. You don't have to download anything to your own computer. There's absolutely no compatibility issues with either PC or Mac.

Will I need to get hosting for my RentMe ads and sales pages?

Nope! SERPLease hosts your ads and sales pages in the cloud for you, so they load super-fast. Just make your changes and add your calls to action and information to our included templates and save. Your ads and pages will instantly be live without messing with FTP or hosting.

Is there any other way I can earn with SERPLease?

There sure is. Many clients will have their own site and often choose for the overlay feature of SERPLease.. however their website won't always convert the best..

You can offer your service to either improve conversions on their own site or use our skinning technology to create extra value and high visitor to lead conversions.

Of course you can also always offer additional SEO services, social media management, reputation management, PPC management and these are just a few of the many possibilities.

Do I have to send out monthly invoices in order to get paid my rent?

Invoices are created automatically and the renter is notified and reminded throughout a period of max 9 days if necessary.

Each client has a profile inside SERPLease where you'll be able to view their complete payment history. You do have the option to produce manual invoices as well if you choose. If for any reason you don't get your rent on time, the system will automatically revoke your client's access to their site overlay/sales page.

If my clients don’t pay their rent on the due date, what can I do?

Paypal subscriptions have a max 9 days retry sequence of getting the payment in case they fail so we have used this same period for the maximum lenience time for unpaid invoices. On day 9 the access is revoked all renters settings, skins and overlays are disabled and the asset reverts to 'for rent' status activating the full RentMe funnel etc.

If 9 days is too long for you, you can also just manually cancel the lease and the asset will revert to 'for rent' status activating the funnel.

Can the SerpLease platform ever get saturated with too many users offering these rental services?

No chance - we only open up SERPLease a couple of times a year, to ensure the integrity of the platform and that only so many site "Virtual Landlords" can offer their services. Come back tomorrow, and access may be closed. We're here to guarantee that users of the platform can earn unlimited monthly payments using this service.

On top of that the amount of local opportunities are so huge, they won't run out for sure. Remember you don't need to actually physically have a presence at the locations you serve... And think about the HUMONGOUS opportunity there is with non-English speaking regions with as extra bonus that ranking is again that much easier.

Go And Get Your SERPLease Account Now!